Tag: Control Surface Device
How to Setup Cubase AI 8 with Behringer BCF2000 Fader Control Surface
Here is a basic setup instruction on how to connect and use the Behringer BCF2000 Motorized Faders Control Surface with Cubase AI 8. A great way to automate song mixes and with a few more options as well.
M-Audio ProjectMix I/O: Setup With Studio One V3 – Part 3
In this final part of the series on setting up the M-Audio ProjectMix I/O Control Surface and Audio Interface, I demonstrate how to set it up with PreSonus Studio One V3 as an external Control Surface Device. August 2016: I…
M-Audio ProjectMix I/O: Unboxing & Introduction – Part 1
Recently I was asked by a good musician friend to help him set up his home studio with great but affordable gear. My first move was to get him an audio interface and a Control Surface. I found the M-Audio…