Category: Tutorial
The Mono Switch Option on Audio Interfaces
Do you have an audio interface that has a button labelled MONO? Not sure what the purpose is? Let me explain.
Recording A Song Using SWAMP Industries SM-11 USB Mixer Audio Interface
WORKSHOP: Recording A Song, from start to finish, using SWAMP Industries SM-11 USB Mixer Audio Interface and PreSonus Studio One Prime Free DAW. Recently I reviewed the SWAMP Industries SM-11, a 3-channel USB Mixer Audio Interface and today I demonstrate…
Tracktion T6 Workshop – Using the Insert Plugin For Hardware Processing
Since not long ago Tracktion released its T6 for free, I thought I’d demonstrate one of the interesting stock plugin options that not many are aware of. Adding a hardware audio gear track ‘insert’ plugin, that allows you to insert…
Recording Acoustic Drums With Budget Microphones with MAGIX Music Studio 2017
Recording acoustics drums is one of the most challenging jobs a recording engineer can face while recording a song with a band. A demonstration of how to practice recording acoustic drums using a few budget microphones (Behringer Ultravoice XM8500) and…
Room Acoustic Equalization/Correction with Behringer Ultra-Curve Pro DEQ2496
Apart from having great sounding studio monitor speakers, to achieve a well balanced mix, it is important to have balanced acoustics in a room as well. Even the best speakers will sound different when placed in a different size and…
How To Setup A Patchbay PX3000 With FCA1616 – A Complete Guide Part 2
In Part 2, I demonstrate the use of a patchbay with physical units, cables, and leads and an in-depth explanation. Please, watch PART 1 first, for it to make sense of my demonstration.
How to Setup A Patchbay PX3000 With FCA1616 – A Complete Guide Part 1
This video is a complete guide to audio patchbays. How the patchbay modes operate, how to configure a patchbay for optimum setup and workflow.
All About Audio Mixer or Audio Interface Inserts – Example with Behringer FCA1616
Most audio mixers and some audio interfaces do have INSERT option. These are TRS 6.5mm sockets. If you’re not sure what they are and how they are used, then this is the instructional video for you.
How to Setup Cubase AI 8 with Behringer BCF2000 Fader Control Surface
Here is a basic setup instruction on how to connect and use the Behringer BCF2000 Motorized Faders Control Surface with Cubase AI 8. A great way to automate song mixes and with a few more options as well.
Installing A New RAM Upgrade For Korg Pa3X Arranger Keyboard
A quick demonstration on how to upgrade the internal RAM of KORG Pa3X from 128Mb to 256Mb.
Recording Bass Guitar in Tracktion T5 Free DAW
As I discover more and more about Tracktion T5, the free DAW, I thought I show you how I recorded my new Bass Guitar, with me playing it for the first time. I used my Yamaha AG03 as my Audio…
Combining Two Audio Interfaces Using ASIO4ALL and SPDIF Clock Link
Got two audio interfaces and like to use them to extend your available microphone inputs? If both interfaces support SPDIF digital audio connections, we can use the clock data to sync them both for solid sync between the two devices….